Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Analogies of a confused mind...

The worst explaination and analogy I heard was yesterday during my training session...when the main guy was trying to explain what Object Oriented design and analysis was abt. Oh.... My..... God!
There are a lot of people who do not have any background in this stuff... so his idea was to 'simplify' the explaination.
He was comparing structural programming to hitch-hiking to California (?!!!!)... and conversely, OO programming as having your own car and therefore having your own freedom to do whatever u want.
Yeaaaaaaaah.....a non-IT person can totally see what he means...

His explainations were incredible...
Someone asked him what an Interface was...This is his explaination:

"Interface is how one object interfaces with another."


Someday i'm sure he'll say something intelligent if he keeps talking....


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