Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Home is where the heart is...

So i made it to NJ fine. Met Antara... felt like I was hanging out in Kalina campus going for classes...
The company is really small... i'm beginning to get overwhelmed now..
No no... sitting and studying JAVA by myself wasn't half as bad... what is bad is finding myself in a small appt with five girls. Four in one small room...me in a corner. This may be some man's fantasy...but I am DYING here.
What i would do for a bottle of scotch rite now... and i ain't even that big a scotch drinker. This is an omen.
I should go buy a tent tommorow.... maybe there is a nite spot near the Hudson somewhere where I can pitch it and barbeque hotdogs and live in peace.

If my complaining and bitching is getting to u...stop reading this shit. There's going to be atleast a few more posts like this i am guessing....

I WANNA GO BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ze Mizerable Brownie


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