Friday, July 15, 2005


I checked out of my hotel's comfort zone today at noon, and moved my stuff into the apt. I will now learn to adapt to live with two girls in a one bedroom apt. And I shall spend this weekend with my roomates.
It's amazing...i never missed a single weekend of partying when i was in Ames... not when my mum was here... not when i had exams...not even during my defense preparation:P
One would think life would be a lil faster on the east coast.... the irony of it is sickening. I could well be a potato farmer in Idaho.
My carton of smokes that Sana gave me in Ames is down to the last pack.. I am going to either have to involuntarily quit...or succumb to temptation and bow before the tax rates of the east coast.
Butch- my car... seems to grieving over leaving Ames... it has been giving more trouble than ever. I got pulled over by a cop who informed me that one of my headlights was out. I got off on a warning...but now I am copying the lifestyle of a vampire... I am only seen during the day. I hide at nite (coz i can't drive anywhere..and this place is not very pedestrian friendly).

Oh well... this is adaptation.

The song "I will survive" has been stuck like a broken record in my head for the last two days...

This too shall pass....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Analogies of a confused mind...

The worst explaination and analogy I heard was yesterday during my training session...when the main guy was trying to explain what Object Oriented design and analysis was abt. Oh.... My..... God!
There are a lot of people who do not have any background in this stuff... so his idea was to 'simplify' the explaination.
He was comparing structural programming to hitch-hiking to California (?!!!!)... and conversely, OO programming as having your own car and therefore having your own freedom to do whatever u want.
Yeaaaaaaaah.....a non-IT person can totally see what he means...

His explainations were incredible...
Someone asked him what an Interface was...This is his explaination:

"Interface is how one object interfaces with another."


Someday i'm sure he'll say something intelligent if he keeps talking....

Friday, July 08, 2005

new tidings

I don't know how miserable i must have looked...or whether it was the long surly face i was carryng around... or whether it was the fact that i spent one nite somewhere else this week...but i have been moved into a hotel for a week till another appt lease is signed so that there are less ppl in the appt:D
I found this quite amusing frankly:)

Going to PA for the weekend for a getaway. Am missing some sessions... but won't really miss them.

Stay tuned for more updates.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

We're all heroes..

So I finally figured out a way to deal with the "I don't want to work here" crisis I am going thru
(Yes, a crisis can develop in such a short time).
I'm going to turn myself into a caped crusader... I have a real world personality in order to protect my identity.
So one personality is the dull, boring, mild-mannered Kriti working at a crappy place...
The other is the caped crusader... exciting, fun, drunky, party animal, hornier than thou etc etc...
I have decided to call myself the Scotchness Monster.
My logo is the Blue Label bottle.
I am currently working on my costume design. All ye designers out there are welcome to give me suggestions.
Don't give me a strange look...this is very much so doable. After all we're all heroes in some way or the other...

Now to go back to "working"....

Ze Scotchness Monster

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Home is where the heart is...

So i made it to NJ fine. Met Antara... felt like I was hanging out in Kalina campus going for classes...
The company is really small... i'm beginning to get overwhelmed now..
No no... sitting and studying JAVA by myself wasn't half as bad... what is bad is finding myself in a small appt with five girls. Four in one small in a corner. This may be some man's fantasy...but I am DYING here.
What i would do for a bottle of scotch rite now... and i ain't even that big a scotch drinker. This is an omen.
I should go buy a tent tommorow.... maybe there is a nite spot near the Hudson somewhere where I can pitch it and barbeque hotdogs and live in peace.

If my complaining and bitching is getting to u...stop reading this shit. There's going to be atleast a few more posts like this i am guessing....

I WANNA GO BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ze Mizerable Brownie

Monday, July 04, 2005


Btw... for those of you who harbored doubts whether my car would make it here or not... PHHHHHHHHHBBBBBBBBTHHHHHHH.

Okie...will let u know whether I made it to Jersey or not.


Thursday nite June 30th was officially my last nite in Ames. I was suffering from a mild form of separation anxiety it seemed, as I should have gone home and gone to bed at 10pm as was planned in order to execute my 15 hr drives start at 3am following morning. Yet, I was at cafe' till almost 11:35pm, and extremely hyper. I'm not very good at most of you saw on Wednesday nite... but I was very graceful (for my standards) abt it on Thursday nite.I didn't sleep all nite, and left at 5am from Sana's place.
Made it to State College PA in less than 15 hrs...stopping only 4 times. I beat my own record:D AND i didn't get pulled over either:D

I've been in State college since with my brother and his family.... it's a very sudden transition to a 'quieter' more 'decent' lifestyle for sure. I have been have been having severe 'Cafe' withdrawal symptoms'. Especially in the afternoons when there isn't anything to do.I know I's not like I was doing anything in Ames other than sitting on my arse all day, blending in with the furtinure of Cafe'.But u have to understand...this is how habits are formed.Bored? Goto cafe'...get coffee... annoy games... sit and stare at ppl outside... smoke. SMOKE!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! I've been dying here! Since my brother and his family don't know I smoke, I can't. Even if I could, i wouldn't becoz of the baby. Makes my life as a 'one-pack-a-day' person extremely difficult. I tried many a times to sneak out, but in vain. Finally I discovered a rather small but sufficient solution. I told them that I needed to go to some place with a wireless facility to do some work on my laptop. God bless technology.Unfortunately, to my dismay, most of the coffee shops here...are strictly non-smoking. ARGH. so...i have to make the most of it in my 5 minute drive from home to the cafe. bleh bleh bleh. dang it.

I am so envious of Vishal right now... He has found this place that Vijay suggested. Nice italian cafe'. Much like Cafe' Beaudelaire. The owner is almost as hyper as Claudio:P (wow... i thought there was only one like him..). A comfy atmosphere where he can sit n sip coffee/wine/scotch....and smoke.Is there ANYONE here who knows of such a place in NJ???? ANNNNNYYYYOOOOOONNNNNNE???????

Anyway... for those of who, who are getting annoyed with my calls... bear with the initial stages of moving away. I'm just missing everyone. One would wonder WHY? But, oh well.

I leave for NJ tommorow, i.e, Tuesday... to join the company. This is it. The end of student life. Welcome to the real world Kriti. It sucks... and i'm gonna love it.

Keep me updated biatches.
That's all folks.

Smoke in peace... *sigh*